Employee Experience Journey Mapping

Employee Experience Journey Mapping

All employees are on a journey with their employer. Their experiences on that journey will strongly influence their attitudes and their behaviors towards each other and towards their customers. A poor employee experience will result in a poor customer experience. We can manage that employee experience and therefore influence a higher level of both customer and employee satisfaction.

Many organizations expect employees to treat customers in a way that reflects the organization’s brand promise, yet few organizations treat their own employees in a way that aligns with that brand promise. The connection between employee experience and customer experience is clear – employees deliver your brand promise and create the customer experience. As such, employees are the most important touch point in your organization. We offer a training module that helps you learn a well-executed Employee Journey strategy, (Employee lifecycle; awareness-recruit-induct-developretain-exit) has the power to reduce employee turnover, create advocates for the organization and improve the employee engagement. The organization will benefit from higher employee loyalty and maintain its talents, which in turn leads to lower costs and will drive higher customer loyalty. This training will help you look closely at the systems you have in place in your own organizations and come up with recommendations to have a professional employee experience throughout the entire employee journey.



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